Lucain24's avatar


Hate Tuesday more than Monday
679 Watchers403 Deviations

Chill-hop and Ramen by Lucain24, literature

To Inks by Lucain24, literature

Thanks! by Lucain24, literature

Vanish by Lucain24, literature

Flames by Lucain24, literature

Mr. Popular by Lucain24, literature

Bank Robbery by Lucain24, literature

This is new.. by Lucain24, literature

Deviantart's Last Hoorah! by Lucain24, literature

Insanity by Lucain24, literature

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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Clicks by Lucain24, literature

Deviation Spotlight

This is my phone.... by Lucain24, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Literature
CreatureWeek20Thursday: Participated in DA Creature Week 2020 Thursday
MagicWeek20Monday: Participated in DA Magic Week 2020 Monday
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (2)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

I'm a just a stand-up comedian who sees art in many forms, such as paintings, drawings, music, comedy, poetry, and so much more. I'm a poet and I say that's art no matter how you put it! I'm in the military and serving my country has benefited me in the long run.
Read my journal and you'll take a tour of my inner thoughts. What goes through a comedian's head, while we laugh at his jokes.
dA ID Made By me Cx
I'm working on this 100 ThemesWell alright guys I'mgonna do thisThis will be updated regularly :)  Thanks :devinaworldofscones: 100 THEMES WRITING CHALLENGE 1. Introduction 2. Love 3. Light 4.Dark 5. Seeking Solace 6. Break Away 7. Heaven 8. Innocence 9. Drive  10. Breathe Again 11. Memory 12. Insanity 13. Misfortune 14. Smile 15. Silence 16. Questioning 17. Blood 18. Rainbow 19. Gray 20. Fortitude 21. Vacation 22. Mother Nature 23. Cat 24. No Time 25. Trouble Lurking 26. Tears 27. Foreign 28. Sorrow 29. Happiness 30. Under the Rain 31. Flowers 32. Night 33. Expectations 34. Stars 35. Hold My Hand 36. Precious Treasure 37. Eyes 38. Abandoned 39. Dreams 40. Rated 41. Te... not that easy! :O (Eek)_o:
PSN: Lucain24
XBL: Lucain
Skype: LucainQJ
Tumblr: Lucain24, Lucain (FGC), LucainQ (NSFW)
My list... :iconjammingplz:
The icons I use!!
Axel Commission Icon by BubblyBlu Zorua by cloudylicious Point Commission for Lucain24 by cloudyliciousUntitled by Lucain24 by Lucain24 Commission: Snuggly Icon for Lucain24 by Sarilain
Awesome!! X_X
Lucain by R-no71 Charmeleon by R-no71 Axel by R-no71 Caitlin by R-no71
Ruby Fan Button by Wolfgangar
I talk to myself... by prosaix Night Person Stamp by ClearBlueSkys Art Block Stamp by Khrinx Writers Block Stamp by Khrinx Daily... by prosaix Late... by prosaix Music is my lifeline by pjuk I love kawaii by prosaix Jet Set Radio Future Stamp by Chrno-chan DanSyron Stamp by DanSyronUntitled by Fighting Game stamp by Miho-Nosaka-stampsUntitled by Pandora radio stamp by TheLazyFoxUntitled byUntitled byUntitled by Note Stamp by SoVeryUnofficial WTF Onionhead Stamp by IbiliciousUntitled by Gifts - Friends Only by SweetDukeUntitled by Jazz Stamp by Elbereth-Evenstar Comment Stalker Stamp by Drick96 Super Smash Bros. Melee by just-stamps Deviant 'til hell freezes over by Mod-a-holic Face Your Avatar Stamp by mattdanna OMG Cat Stamp by TrippFoxxUntitled by Soul Eater - Stamp by Kizushik Respect my Opinions by KittyJewelpet78 Warriors Stamp by WarriorsClub
Current Residence: Yokosuka, Japan
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Medium
Print preference: Digital
Favourite genre of music: Hip-Hop/Rap, R&B, Jazz, Indie
Favourite photographer: Who?
Favourite style of art: Digital
Operating System: Windows 10
MP3 player of choice: Any Apple Device that I have...
Wallpaper of choice: My own shit
Skin of choice: Black... what does this have to do with anything?
Favourite cartoon character: Tom & Jerry
Personal Quote: There's always a reason for something...

Favourite Visual Artist
Favourite Movies
I don't have one...
Favourite TV Shows
Durarara, Naruto, Lie to Me, Bleach, Bones, House, M.A.D., Robot Chicken
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Kanye West, T-Pain, Boney James
Favourite Books
The Way of Shadows, Warriors series
Favourite Writers
Edgar Allen Poe
Favourite Games
Okami for Wii and PS2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, my Material Book with my jokes in it!
Other Interests
Music, Comedy, and other forms of art.

Profile Comments 18.8K

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Lucain24's avatar

You..still come here...

Phraggle's avatar
nalroyalty's avatar

Hey Lucain, idk if you remember me, i'm @StraightOuttaBed ! It's been so long.

Lucain24's avatar

Yo! I'm everywhere else lol. I'm still here from time to time.

Lucain24's avatar

oh wow, it's been years homie 💙 add me on discord .lucain to chat with me. I'm more active there