Bliss Redesign my versionLuanLevi on DeviantArt

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Bliss Redesign my version



My attempt to redesign Bliss

Here it is, I drew the purple headband with the pink heart and I made her hair a normal child and hers a teenager with dark blue but with some parts shining. I have the idea that the chemical W came from space and that's what made her develop an unusual hair color and why her special abilities and the same thing goes for her color. I put blue but not Bubbles' blue but a cosmic blue and I also got the idea. I used blue because one thing I liked in the reboot is Bliss' relationship with Bubbles, and that was lost later, so why not have another blue PPG? That way, Bliss would feel more comforted by her little sister and I got a little bit of the idea from the vampiremeerkat and I removed her horrible hips the ages are different.

Bliss young is 5 years old

and Teenage is 12

and plus I'm already planning to rewrite Bliss's story in my version with what I said makes me love Bliss more is its wasted potential

Image size
4312x2216px 2.17 MB
© 2024 - 2025 LuanLevi
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lemonsandorchids33's avatar

She looks good! I like the new color scheme!