Eko and Siren (Demon OCs)LPAki on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lpaki/art/Eko-and-Siren-Demon-OCs-893611963LPAki

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Eko and Siren (Demon OCs)



Race: Half Demon + Siren
Age: 21 yrs + Infinite
Weapon: Siren

Often called a peculiar pair, Eko and Siren are siblings in each other’s eyes. Having once been a full demon many years ago, Eko has been on a lifelong, bitter journey to get stronger and restore his powers. Most importantly he is on a vengeful hunt for the mysterious man who shattered his horn in a fight - nearly impossible to do to any demon. Having been the weapon of that same man, Siren decided to stay with Eko out of pity and curiosity as to what would happen to him.

Eko is an aloof, hot-blooded demon who normally comes off as sarcastic and apathetic in most situations. He’s ready to pick a fight and will brashly speak his mind regardless of consequences. Whenever he sees someone he doesn’t like he enjoys getting under their skin with personal attacks and petty remarks. By contrast, Siren is a calm, quiet and curious siren who communicates through various noises and body language. Unable to control her siren powers, Siren had to have her lips loosely sewed close together, allowing for limited range in movement of her lips.

Both Siren and Eko are slow to trust others - though Siren is normally shyer and more afraid of people. However Siren tends to be adventurous will often disappear for hours at a time, reappearing quietly at random. Although he may not show it, Eko can be a dedicated and loyal friend when he needs to be. Siren and Fliss in particular are able to bring out a more tender, vulnerable and protective side of Eko; he normally gets defensive when others see him this way.

What Eko lacks in technique and speed he makes up for in sheer demonic power. He’s cocky in fights, is able to take attacks and strike hard with the greatest of ease. Siren’s small stature and levitation allows her to zip around, though she is not a fighter. Instead Siren transforms into a strong, razor-sharp scythe which Eko uses to fight. She can take extreme amounts of damage, and has never faltered under pressure. Eko and Siren’s faith in each other and communication on the battlefield is like no other even in the absence of words.

Special Skills: Demon Form + Siren’s Song

Overflowing with intense demonic energy, Eko can access the full extent of his powers in his demon form. Like other demons, Eko was once able to access this power easily before becoming part human, and will now become extremely tired after accessing his full power. Siren, when pulling loose the threads around her lips, is able to fully extend her mouth and scream extremely loud for a long time. Her voice travels along wide distances, distracting enemies and stopping them in their tracks to follow her voice.

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© 2021 - 2025 LPAki
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