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Loveshemorrhage's avatar

Literature Text

I want to write a poem about you
Yet nothing comes to mind
My eyes rove over your messages
On a bright screen in the dark

My heart is confused
So is my mind
Of the addicting push and pull
Of the entirety of you

In the drawer I keep
Letters and written messages
Secret photos and the
CDs you burned for me

All around the room
Dead and gone they are
Flowers you gave that died and dried
After the many days of surprise

On my left, as I lay in bed
The Christmas card you gave
One dear to me; dearer than the gift
A gift itself to my heart and soul

On my right caress the other half
of the plushies we bought together
I'm wondering if you were dreaming
A miracle dream of us

I'm shaking when I realize
How obsessed I am with you
The you I now know not of
The one I am confused

I realize too that I'm surrounded
By everything of you
Down the rabbit hole I go
Like a leaf without its anchor, without you down I go.
Just about everything my mind can summon when dizzy disorienting dilemmas spin me down to darkness. 
© 2013 - 2025 Loveshemorrhage

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