Okay contestants, it's time to announce the winners of Draw my OC Contest of The Nightmare Before Christmas OC, Mary Claus! Before I begin, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you who participated in this contest! You all came up with such wonderful entries, and there were so many good entries, that I had to give ties! But, let's get on with the show!
5th Place goes to....
Congratulations @KawaiiNekoNerd2007 and @Lostwavefan2003, you win 5 collages of your favorite character or OC!
4th Place goes to....
Congratulations @topcatmeeces97 and @TimCurryFangirl , your prize is a a free doll of Azaleas/SnowQueenSceneMaker/etc. of your OC or favorite character.
3rd Place goes to....
Congratulations @AdventurousDragon96 your prize is a half-body base or sketch (by choice) drawing of your OC or favorite character.
2nd Place goes to...
Congratulations @TessLC1998 and @BlackWolfStar15! Your prizes are a full-body sketch drawing of your OC.
And finally, 1st Place goes to...
Congratulations @Detective88 ! Your ultimate prize is a full-body base drawing of your OC.
Honorable Mentions (each will receive a collage of your choice):
@Thepositivefandomgal , the contest for Draw my OC: Mary Claus ends tonight! Please submit your entry ASAP! Thanks.
@YuiHarunaShinozaki and @Thepostivefandomgirl, the contest for Draw my OC: Mary Claus ends tomorrow! Please submit your entries as soon as possible. Thanks!
@Thepositivefandomgal and @YuiHarunaShinozaki , please submit your entries for Draw my OC: Mary Claus by January 22, 2025. Thanks!
@AdventurousDragon96 , @MoomStruck1318 , @Thepositivefandomgal. , and @YuiHarunaShinozaki ; please submit your entry for Draw My OC: Mary Claus by January 22. I will extend it to more one week, if needed. Thanks.