Atlantis: The Silence of the Crystal Chapter 12
Chapter 12: Arriving in Atlantis
The area the crew had landed in right away was dark and silent. Everything around them was pitch black. Not wanting to wait, Rourke lit up a match to reveal his face in the darkness.
"All right, who's not dead?" he asked. "Sound off."
The crew groaned and muttered, indicating that they were still alive. The flame on the match reached Rourke's fingers, and he got burnt. He dropped the match and was enveloped in darkness again.
"Danged lightnin' bugs done bit me on my sit-upon," Cookie complained. "Somebody's gonna have to suck out that poison. Now don't everybody jump up at once."
Everyone sighed again in pain in the dark. Rourke managed to reach over to a busted truck and flipped on a switch that turned on a functioning headlight, which gave more light in the area. The area was deeper in the earth, and the vehicles around them were busted from the fall.
"Audrey, give me a damage report," Rourke said.
The Puerto Rican girl got up to her feet and