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anonymous's avatar
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NoblesseOC's avatar
Hello dear, fellow Fan's of Noblesse.

I am glad i joined this Group and hope many of you may take a look of my first and until now only Noblesse OC Character i ever created. ; )

Wouldn't it be a horrible Waste, if M-21's dead Friend M-24 would be the only Person to have a roguish Villain-kind of Character impersonate him?
* sings a Christmas tone * " Eee~vil Seir~aaa - is c~oooming - to T~ooown! "

Noblesse OC - Union Doppelganger Agent by NoblesseOC

Please check out the Descpriction if you like - and please tell me what do you think of this OC Character, if you should have the Time. ; )
BlueNightGiGi's avatar
I hate to be a bother like this, but I'm looking to commission someone for just Noblesse art.
ale-mangekyo's avatar
BlueNightGiGi's avatar
do you except points? I probably should have mentioned that's the kind I'm looking for...
nikkibe's avatar
How about I make a journal entry about it? Perhaps you'll find the person you're looking for ^-^! I would offer to do it, but I think my standards only fit request standards and I'm backed up on those anyway ._____."...
mzpasaway13's avatar
Hello fellow Noblesse lovers!

Did you know that Mangafox is holding this year's Character Battle Tournament? Last year, Rai did a head-to-head battle with Uchiha Itachi and he lost by one vote! :(

This year, Rai and Franky are on round 2, battling against Luffy and Itachi respectively. Let's help them win. :)

If we post our arts in this thread
[link], Noblesse can get double points! This will give Noblesse an edge over other mangas and also a way to showcase our talents... and Rai's cuteness of course. ♥

Pretty please?