Everybody Screamlovely--nightmare on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lovely--nightmare/art/Everybody-Scream-180891589lovely--nightmare

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Everybody Scream



This is Scarlet Skellington. I love her.
She is Jack and Sally's daughter.
I don't care if you don't believe Jack and Sally never had kids. Or that your kid is the only kid they had. Or that they had just boys. Or just twins. Haha
I know Jack and Sally have a ton of kinds. But I love drawing Halloween characters and she is my favorite.
I want Scarlet to be genuine. One that you would actually consider a REAL character. So that's what I am going to do.
And you can't stop me now

Age: 14 (almost 15)
Scarlet has her mothers looks but her father's personality. She is always so curious about everything. She loves to scare and loves Halloween. She has her mother and fathers singing voice.
She has a patch on her leg, and it is her battlewound (you'll learn how she got it when I finish writing BROKEN )
She has shed her long tights and sleeves because she is no longer afraid to show her stitches.
Everybody scream, in our town of Halloween♥
Scarlet Skellington (c) me
PLEASE don't hesitate to draw her

Sorry for bad coloring
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2496x3376px 3.41 MB
© 2010 - 2025 lovely--nightmare
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Steampunk-Fairie's avatar
That is awesome! I would so like to draw her and Jill!