Well, I'm a girl who likes anime a lot!! Sorry if I do some mistakes when I write, my national language is French so ^^' . I'm born on December 16. I have one sister and one brother. I own a mare (Lili, 10 years old) and two cats (Chamalaux, almost 7 years old, ans Natsu, 10 months old). Drawing and reading are two of my ''Hobbies collection'' xD. I'm a girl with a big hot head. My friends are always telling me: When you're angry you look like Katsuki (From MHA). They're maybe rigth....... or not... No they are. Well finally I guess I am a hot head personne ... I hope you will like my arts. Please give me some advices, so that I can improve myself. I may be a hot head, but I know how to control it, I won't bite! xD Thanks a lot!
Favourite Visual Artist
David Boreanaz (playing Seeley Booth in Bones) / Fictif: Way too much but here are my ''main four'' Kirishima Eijiro, Kaminari Denki, Bakugo Katsuki and Midoriya Izuku.
Favourite Movies
Hidalgo / Transformer / Racing Stripe / all the tmnt movies / Balto (I/II/III) /All BNHA movies
Favourite TV Shows
Ninja Turtles (2012/2003 seasons) / My little pony (Lol) / Bones / BNHA
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Mmh.... way too much! But.. kinda really like Brian Adams.. and ''NF'' ..! But gneh, I prefer just take some songs of a lot of people and make myself a playlist!
Favourite Books
BNHA.. lmao. . .
Favourite Writers
....... I'll let you guess-
Favourite Games
I'll say Fire emblem three houses!
Favourite Gaming Platform
Does do video for TikTok count? seriously, none-
Other Interests
My animals! But also, writing stories and rp on Wattpad! (sorry tho, everything is in French there-)