Gorgon ref 1 de 3louizim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/louizim/art/Gorgon-ref-1-de-3-542141460louizim

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Gorgon ref 1 de 3



Finally finished it! Hooray!!! And I found a font that I like :o

This is part 1 of 3.

1. it's about the general body of a Gorgon (you are here)
2. is about rare and common traits  ( link )
3. is about body types and designing ( link )

They are a closed species. It means that you cannot create one without my permission.
They can be obtained from adoption sales, auctions, MYO/DTA/OTA events, contests and customs.

Gorgon (sing)
Gorgons (plural)

Gorgons are mammalian reptiles. They are common animals and have no magic. Their world is not magical at all. (I might change it, but I prefer it to be non-magical, I already have a few magical worlds.)
They are very active, curious and friendly. They live in groups of 6 to 20, or even more, it depends of the 'quality' of their territory.
Their diet consists of meat and insects, if they somehow manage to get fish, they will eat it too.  Gorgons are not aggressive and will not attack other creatures without a reason.
They are monogamist and each one has a mate for life. Lone gorgons can die from depression if they can't find a mate..

Long tails are a rare trait. Scaly paw pads are common.

gorgons are (c) :iconlouizim:.
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BlueComet5's avatar
heyy :) how can i (if open atm) can i get a custom of these?