Sariel's ReposeLouistheSmall on DeviantArt

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Sariel's Repose

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Exhausted from simultaneously ruling over the realm alongside Paimon and restoring it to its former glory, Sariel earned a well-deserved rest once her labor's concluded. Seeking respite within the sanctity of the Amethyst Gardens, the goddess of Mercy would seek to unwind after each day in the company of her spouse, the elven God Tinleth.

Lovingly, he'd eagerly await his giant wife's return, ready to take a load off her shoulders and to soothe her aching feet after a long day's work. It wasn't easy ruling over a nation, not to mention the effort that it took to cast spells all day to heal a broken land; but Tinleth knew this all too well, and prepared to give Sariel his all come the late hours of the evening. He'd always await her arrival by the gates of her palace, accompanying her to the bathhouse where his touch soothed every inch of her giant body. Diligently he'd scour her own valleys and caves, cleansing his goddess of defilement and bringing her thepleasure of a god's touch. Every kiss and every stroke was premeditated, every thrust plannet out. For Sariel's body was large, and it must be pleased in its entirety. All for her to relax and unwind, with grapes in her hand and her tiny husband at her feet.

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© 2024 - 2025 LouistheSmall
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I'd love to have a marriage like this. Taking care of her feet is truly a divine way to spend the evening.