Marina's HungerLouistheSmall on DeviantArt

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LouistheSmall's avatar

Marina's Hunger



Following in the distasteful example of Mellusine, some mermaids began to actively hunt down humans that sailed across the water's surface. They'd break through the waves with mouths agape, seeking to swallow their boats whole, only to get stabbed by the mast and have their gums slashed by driftwood. In their heads it was a show of power, a chasing after a fleeting sense of satisfaction at a human's expense. To devour men whole, and revel in their gargantuan size. This however, was not something taken lightly by Aqua Marina's Council. Leving their lives at the mercy of another mermaid who hinted down her own kin. The one known as Nephilis...

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Ghost003's avatar

Wait, so, the mermaids do like humans. It's just the deviants like this girl who are a problem?