Hobbit OCs - Dwarrowdams My Bio for Mirr Full Name: Mirr
Age: 99
Height/Weight: 4'5", 186 lbs
Hair: Golden with a mix of white
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Brown
DOB: late 2800s
POB: Erebor
Title: Dwarf Midwife
Appearances: Sanumùradûnh, Sanlukuduh
Summary: Mirr is a Midwife who mainly helps those from the Royal Fmaily pre and post birth. Her family has served the Durin Family since from the time of Durin the Deathless. Most of her family save for three perished in the attack on Erebor when she was very young. Interests: Learning Skills of Trade
--Personality: She seems quiet and reserved, but is n...
Hobbit OCs - Male Dwarrows Bio for Dili Durin [at time of death] Full Name: Dili Durin
Age: 145
Height/Weight: 4'10", about 225 lbs
Hair: Golden-Blonde
Skin: Tanned
Eyes: Blue
DOB: April 13th, late 2800s
POB: Erebor
Title: N/A
Appearances: Sanumùradûnh, Sanlukuduh [mentioned], A Second Chance
Summary: Father of Fili and Kili. He died fighting alongside Thorin during the Battle of Moria when Kili was very, very young. He met their mother sometime after they settled in Ered Luin and worked in the same smithy shop as Thorin. Interests: Family, Smithy Shop
--Personality: A lot like Fili ...
So I figured it was about time that I sat down and did one of these and I actually had a lot of fun doing it :D
This is for Ingrid my oc from my fanfiction for the hobbit The Journey to Erebor ch 1 pg 1 1. What is your character's name? Ingrid Daughter of Ingmar 2. What is your character's name in another language or other titles? Nope 3. How old is he/she? 82 4. What is your character's race/species? She is a dwarf of Erebor 5. Do they have a crush? Oh yeah her friend and childhood sweetheart Fili. 6. Do they have many friends? Not particularly, more men than woman. 7. What planet is your character from? Middle Earth, the Blue Mounta...
Melle 's 50 Q profil meme Wed Jan 7, 2015, 11:47 PM Stole from :iconmichelangeline: 50 Questions! Just so you guys can a lil bit better understand Melle. 1. What is your character's name? Melle Landguer / Melle Bauglir.
this kind lady is working for sauron and do frescoes in Barad-dur.
You must prononce "Melle " like "Mel".... 2. What is your character's name in another language or other titles? Witch docter / Cadaver queen: These name was gived to her after some event the occured in a work camp. Her ability to control the death , the evil spirit and the Balrog make tremble in fear her oposant, even her allies become afraid when s...
(Tagged by @LaDarkA117 :heart:)1. What is your character's name? Ithildae Orquwen 2. What is your character's name in another language or other titles? In Elvish her name means "Moon Shadow Orc Maiden" Then her Black Speech name is Gundulbûrz which means "Dark Guard" Her birth name is Aza but she dropped that name a very long time ago. 3. How old is he/she? During the main events of her story she is 136. But that ranges from 0, 6, to 36, in the first part of the story. 4. What is your character's race/species? She is a full blooded Orcess :heart: 5. Do they have a crush? *smirks* She's about to meet him. (Kalus) 6. Do they have many friend...