Quentin McLeodLos-Chainbird on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/los-chainbird/art/Quentin-McLeod-312236930Los-Chainbird

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Quentin McLeod



A colored sketch of Quentin McLeod from Highlander. I'm so excited about the :iconhighlander-animated: group that just started, I had to do something! The cartoon has its flaws, but its always been one of my favorites. It's kind of like a hybrid of Star Wars and the heavy metal comics more than something out of the actual Highlander movies.

Most people think of him as a pretty boring character, and its true he gets some of the worst lines in the show, even though he's supposed to be the main character but I can't help but like him:)
Image size
1476x2052px 479.22 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Los-Chainbird
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ObscureFanArtist's avatar

Bravo on everything!