Yesfir Evgeniyalorneniesart on DeviantArt

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lorneniesart's avatar

Yesfir Evgeniya



Dr. Yesfir Evgeniya Ovsiannikov, radical militant lesbian Russian vampire scientist. Seriously. (Although she's more married to Science than anything else.) She's the main villain of :iconrouf: and I's grand WWI epic, All Their Paths Are Peace. Dang, we wrote that a long time ago. Yesfir's just cool enough to draw again--leader of the Fraternitas Ellebori, creator of the zombots, very effective as a sort of Mephistopheles...

The outfit's random WWI-ish stuff--I couldn't find ANY good references for Russian uniforms online, but I figure she wouldn't wear an exact one anyway. We'll just call it a Fraternitas Ellebori uniform.

The (crappily drawn) flowers are poppies and hellebore. Their significance ought to be Obvious.

Mostly I was experimenting with color; I think the background poppy red is a bit too intense, but I'm not sure whether it's that way in person. The scanner might have wrecked it.

Yesfir belongs to :iconrouf: and I, mostly her. In scientia veritas--woo!
Image size
520x814px 115.13 KB
© 2007 - 2025 lorneniesart
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bluehentrooper's avatar
That's quite a concept you guys came up with! XD