ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

Deviation Actions
Oh god okay so she got upgrade bombed -
- Waggle Tail (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
- Hair Tuft (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
+ Tint Changer (req.)
+ Color Mixer (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
link showing changes -
+ Elegant Hair (req.)
+ Elegant Tail Tip (req.)
+ Horn Stubs (Made 1/28/17)
+ Jagged Teeth (req.)
+ Thumbs (req.)
+ Colored Tongue (req.)
Name: Tabbris
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Type: Standard
Round/Bump Nose: Round
Current Age: Adult
D.O.B.: Jan. 28, 2017
Form: Bipedal
Upgrades: Cheek Fluff | Body Fluff | Butt Fluff | Unlimited Accessories | Tint Changer | Color Mixer | Elegant Hair | Elegant Tail Tip | Horn Stubs | Jagged Teeth | Thumbs | Colored Tongue | Medium Feathered Wings | Coatala Ears | Oddly Shaped Pupils | Colored Sclera | Tiny Feathered Arm Wings
Quirks: Sticks tongue out a lot when concentrating on something, talkative (when you get her started on a subject she likes she won't stop until you tell her to), gets flustered easily, easily, easily scared but still likes spooky things, attracted to anything sparkly/glowy, absolutely oblivious
Friends: Fortune, Marigold, Lavi, Fleur, Crunch, Noir
Enemies/Rivals: N/A
Mate/Crush: N/A
Sexual Preferences: girls
Basic Water in Progress (5/8)
In a basic fire class
Accessories: Hand-made heart bowtie, Flower Crown (opt)
Companion Pets: N/A
Important Possessions: N/A
Tabbris is doing a lot to figure herself out, and is still kind of confused as to where she fits in in the grand scheme of things. She doesn't want an important role, just to better understand who she is as a 'gro, and where she stands with others. She has a slight level of anxiety when it comes to making first impressions and making sure that others see her as competent, but once she starts to talk to someone it gets a lot easier for her. Though not exactly the most "motherly" type of 'gro, she loves other wynglings, and she hopes to one day have her own, though for now she'd much rather give a home to some wyngling that really wants to be a part of a family but only has the Nook at the moment. She's also searching for a place to call home, but she's extremely grateful to Alma for all she's done for her, and will probably come back to help her at the Nook even after she finds her own place.
Tabbris is also rather prone to being oblivious to what others really mean when they speak to her, which probably comes from her spending a lot of time with young wynglings. She's not ignorant of more adult things, but it's definitely not the first thing her mind jumps to, and she's not even comfortable discussing them, really. Tabbris also loves to adventure and discover new things, though for now she's more set on making a place to come back to whenever she does leave, and she doesn't exactly want to go anywhere on her own. She likes her alone time, but being a solitary 'gro isn't her thing, especially if she'd be travelling far from home.
Accepting Roleplays: Yes
Preferred roleplay source: Discord / To a lesser extent, Skype, will RP in notes if no other platform
Writing skill level: I am pretty competent at writing in English with proper syntax and such. (tho ooc idgaf about being proper w/ grammar)
Preferences: Third person paragraph style. Willing to do slow-build relationships and help with character development. Similar level of experience, give or take some.
(How your character acts in situations)
Meeting new Wyngro: Cheerful, ready to make a new friend, occasionally flustered (around girls she thinks are pretty). May or may not be freaking out over whether she's saying the right things on the inside.
Meeting new species: Curious but wary; observes first, would probably ask lots of questions.
Being surprised: Would probably squeal and jump pretty easily. Doesn't like surprises since she's so jumpy.
Being touched: If you're not her friend and haven't asked first, she'd definitely get pissed off and would probably do her best to inch away without starting a fight.
Actions when sad: Tries to find a place to be alone; if she can't, she's pretty awful at hiding what she's feeling, though she tries when she's around others
Likes: Sweets, Meat, Spices, Magic, Spending time with her friends, Books, Myths and legends, Wynglings, Adventures + Exploring, Pretty things, Rain (being in it and listening to/watching it), Poems, Soft things
Dislikes: Bitter things, Bad smells, Taking naps, Heights, Being too wet, Having to sit down for extended periods of time
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art and character
- Waggle Tail (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
- Hair Tuft (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
+ Tint Changer (req.)
+ Color Mixer (req. 1, req. 2, req. 3, req. 4, req. 5)
link showing changes -
+ Elegant Hair (req.)
+ Elegant Tail Tip (req.)
+ Horn Stubs (Made 1/28/17)
+ Jagged Teeth (req.)
+ Thumbs (req.)
+ Colored Tongue (req.)

Basic Water in Progress (5/8)
In a basic fire class

Tabbris is doing a lot to figure herself out, and is still kind of confused as to where she fits in in the grand scheme of things. She doesn't want an important role, just to better understand who she is as a 'gro, and where she stands with others. She has a slight level of anxiety when it comes to making first impressions and making sure that others see her as competent, but once she starts to talk to someone it gets a lot easier for her. Though not exactly the most "motherly" type of 'gro, she loves other wynglings, and she hopes to one day have her own, though for now she'd much rather give a home to some wyngling that really wants to be a part of a family but only has the Nook at the moment. She's also searching for a place to call home, but she's extremely grateful to Alma for all she's done for her, and will probably come back to help her at the Nook even after she finds her own place.
Tabbris is also rather prone to being oblivious to what others really mean when they speak to her, which probably comes from her spending a lot of time with young wynglings. She's not ignorant of more adult things, but it's definitely not the first thing her mind jumps to, and she's not even comfortable discussing them, really. Tabbris also loves to adventure and discover new things, though for now she's more set on making a place to come back to whenever she does leave, and she doesn't exactly want to go anywhere on her own. She likes her alone time, but being a solitary 'gro isn't her thing, especially if she'd be travelling far from home.

(How your character acts in situations)

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art and character


Image size
1400x804px 354.51 KB
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