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A little girl by LoredJess, literature

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A little girl by LoredJess, literature

Aku and Juubi Part 7 by LoredJess, literature

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Artist // Hobbyist // Other
  • May 3
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • She / Her
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (53)
My Bio

Well me personally can be put into words you have to know me because i really don't talk so good about myself, but today i will. i am a nice young lady love all anime lovers and Kingdom Heart fans. I love my job in the military with the national guard. But i am 5'10" long brown hair, brown eyes and if you look at me i kinda am scary but i am most loveable person you will ever know. Even if i don't like you i can't tell you to your face because it just isn't in my nature to do that. Unless you are my friend i will play around how i hate you but truthfully i am just saying that i love and always want you at my side. I do have a boy friend but he lives far from where i am he comes to see me some times and just suprises me. i am not the worlds best speller but i do always love writing and dreaming. I want to make one of my dreams come true to have my own business with being a mechanic having my own work doing jobs on the house. Ahhh the life but my number one dream is to meet kelly Jane and be friends with her. I don't know why but so many of my friends tell me im just like her but hello guys we are two different people we can't be the same lol. I am a swimmer and i hate fighting, love making vidos for other or just editing a picture for a close friend. well i could go one forever but there is one thing you guys must know i lost my most loveable teacher to breast cancer so please if you have a heart always try to find a cure for breast cancer!

MP3 player of choice: A Little Peace of Heaven

Favourite Movies
Black Beauty
Favourite TV Shows
Big Bang Theory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Avenged SevenFold Michael jackson!
Favourite Books
Death Collecter, Naruto, How to make Fursuits, Stilts guild
Favourite Games
Sims 3.Kingdom hearts,killing people,war games
Other Interests
Anime Bisexuality wolfs Axel Austin Furrys Fursuits, Quadsuits
No one is perfect so why bash me down because I lost contact with you. So what you found someone better, I always knew someone can replace me. Doesn't mean throw it in my face. I am not a bad person. Just someone who didn't want the drama life anymore.
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1. Are you an Anime lover, a Furry, a gamer, or something else completely? I love Anime, I am a gamer, and a furry:Iconfurryglompplz:. I am a kick ass gamer I can beat almost every game!2. What's your top three favorite animals? 1:Dragon 2:Tiger 3:Liger3. What do you like to watch on television? I used to like kim Possible, Ben 10, Johnny Test, and Chalk Zone. I am from the old days XD4. Have you seen the sun upclose O_O? Ummm No and don't plan to >_>5. Have you ever murdered anyone (like a bug even) before? I did a massive murder to ants when I was little XD but human I haven't killed anyone. But in my head OH YEAH!6. Do you have a bad ha...
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I got Tagged xD

0 min read
RULES: 1. You must post the rules. 2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal. 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer. 4. You have to chose 5 people to tag and post their icons on your journal 5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them. 6. No tag backs. 7. No stuff in the tagging section about"you're tagged if you're reading this." you legitimately have to tag 5 people.ABOUT ME : 1. I am a Furry 2. I Love to sing 3. I am engaged 4. I don't have a job (YET!) 5. I am very Loveable!Questions I have to answer:1. Fave band...
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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Koraru-san's avatar
Thank you so much for the watch!
Happy Eliot 
LoredJess's avatar
Your welcome!!!! I love your content keep it up
hotbento's avatar
Thanks for the fav! :iconsqueeeeplz:
Senpio's avatar
Y did u give me points?
LoredJess's avatar
I don't need them and you deserve them, because your art work is amazing. You have come far with you drawings they really do look amazing steph
Senpio's avatar
Oh thanks man! So since my thing says if u give me points ill draw u something. U want anything?