Well me personally can be put into words you have to know me because i really don't talk so good about myself, but today i will. i am a nice young lady love all anime lovers and Kingdom Heart fans. I love my job in the military with the national guard. But i am 5'10" long brown hair, brown eyes and if you look at me i kinda am scary but i am most loveable person you will ever know. Even if i don't like you i can't tell you to your face because it just isn't in my nature to do that. Unless you are my friend i will play around how i hate you but truthfully i am just saying that i love and always want you at my side. I do have a boy friend but he lives far from where i am he comes to see me some times and just suprises me. i am not the worlds best speller but i do always love writing and dreaming. I want to make one of my dreams come true to have my own business with being a mechanic having my own work doing jobs on the house. Ahhh the life but my number one dream is to meet kelly Jane and be friends with her. I don't know why but so many of my friends tell me im just like her but hello guys we are two different people we can't be the same lol. I am a swimmer and i hate fighting, love making vidos for other or just editing a picture for a close friend. well i could go one forever but there is one thing you guys must know i lost my most loveable teacher to breast cancer so please if you have a heart always try to find a cure for breast cancer!
MP3 player of choice: A Little Peace of Heaven