Luciana Camilla De Leon ref sheetLordTyranicus on DeviantArt

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Luciana Camilla De Leon ref sheet



Thanks to my amazing and wonderful friend :icon419pm:  I now have the last ref sheet for my last BNHA villain. This poor girl has gone through a few revisions over the years with her looks, each artist managing to help out and get me closer to how I envisioned her. It is thanks to them that I was able to refine and build off each version into a final perfect one that 419 drew that was based on a version that was never fully completed and my good friend :iconvimven: who absolutely nailed the villain look I was going for. Anyway, I hope you all like. And yes, I intentionally posted this at 419 PM xD

Name: Luciana Camila De Leon

Gender: Female

Age: 32

Orientation: Lesbian

Nationality: Spanish

Height: 5’8”

Birthday: 10/27

Occupation: Villain

Villain Name: La Pesadilla

Quirk: Terror Gas


Positive: family oriented, respectful, protective, sweet/nice (to a few)

Neutral: Analytical, clinical, pragmatic, seductive, clever

Negative: Sadistic, cruel, cold, prideful, kind of a bitch

Likes: Testing when people die from fright, money, dominating, alcohol, cigars, children, scary movies (but none of that cliche slasher crap), being in control, the look of fear in other’s, swimming, various music, playing the guitar, screams of terror, bowling, soccer, dancing

Dislikes: Heroes, imbeciles, chauvinists, victims getting away, the color pink, incompetence, hot days, losing, golf, disrespect, rudeness


Luciana Vamila De Leon was born to a crime family centered in Spain that managed to lay low enough to stay hidden from the heroes and police as they etched out a life the best they could with both heroes and police keeping things more peaceful than they had ever been. While this did not impact the family beyond recovery, it was still enough that life was rather hard for them, thus causing them all to grow a resentment towards heroes. From ab early age Luciana’s parents and siblings noted that she had a cold, analytically curious mind, often dissecting insects and seeing what enduced fear in other animals.

This came to a forefront when her quirk developed, where she began to test it out on insects and animals alike, as well as any captured rival family members that her parents wanted taken care of. While they were unnerved by the enjoyment and glee she tool in seeing the fear her quirk induced, they appreciated the cleanness and untraceable benefits her quirk provided for disposing of rivals. Despite being fearful of her demeanor and quirk, her parents still did love her and tried to instill the value of family inside her, so as she would not become a total monster.

When Luciana was eight, a rival family had had enough of her family and in the dead of night proceeded to attack and kill her parents and siblings. When they got to her though, they saw the utility she could bring and took her to be their asset. Though as they did, they were unnerved by how seemingly cold and uncaring she was by the whole ordeal. As the years went by she seemingly did as she was told without question, not even reacting all that much when scolded or mistreated.

When she turned nineteen and the family who had taken her had given her enough freedom to come and go as anyone else, she set forth unleashing her quirk throughout the entire home, driving some to madness or outright killing others from either fear or her gas taking the form of a monstrosity and doing the job. As she reached the head of the house, and those personally responsible for her family’s demise, she took great delight in observing every ounce of fear they displayed and how much they could take while almost dying from it. After she had had her fill, she ended them herself.

She then proceeded to ensure that any other families tied to them as well as anyone remaining that was not at the house, would never be a nuisance to her ever. After finishing that bit of business, she then consolidated the resources from both families and proceeded to etch out her own life, experimenting on anyone she pleased to see what their capacity for withstanding fear was and killing as she pleased, making a nice little life for herself over the years by also hiring out her services. The best part she enjoyed, was using her stunning beauty to make others drop their guard or underestimate her before unleashing her quirk or utterly dominating them and seeing the fear and surprise in their eyes.

Now, at age thirty two, she has grown rather bored of her routine, and is traveling abroad to see what new things she can do, and new people to subject to fear. She has found herself in Japan and while having her fun, is now thinking it might be time to set up the family business again and possible settle down, but not retire. After all, there’s still plenty of heroes to kill...


Luciana is a stunning beauty of fair brown-ish/tan skin (no idea, think Sombra from Overwatch) who stands at a rather tall five foot eight. She is rather slender, not really having a physique that compliments prolonged fighting, thus leaving her to be more agile and clever with how she fights. Luciana’s eyes are a vibrant ruby red and compliments her full volume voluptuous shoulder length reddish black hair, a portion of which covers either side of her face depending on how she has it. Her physique is quite curvy and draws many an eye when she decides to let what she wears really show it off, having a very ample bust that settles firmly in the E cup category. While not thin waist wise, nor is it ample, just thin enough to be almost hourglass. Her hips and thighs are also quite ample, mostly to balance things out as she has just enough muscle tone in her legs for them to be strong in a fight and allow her to mix things between her fists and legs.

She mostly wears dresses and blouses, along with only a few shirts and a crop top or two, everything having a purpose for an occasion that is best for the situation at hand. Whether it be drawing the eye, keeping things relatively modest, or all business.

Her villain outfit is a black dress like robe with dark blue highlights that is separated at the gut to give an almost tribal look (Think Mystique from X-men’s [Or Raven from the DC Comic] dress but done to look like Citra’s from Far Cry 3) that also has a hood. Her sclera and parts of her skin take on a black color as the rest of her skin turns a bone white, giving her a skeleton like look as though she were a risen corpse from Dia de los muertos, likely something that is tied to her quirk. Lastly, she has gloves with long thin, needle like blades that matches the bone white skin to complete her skeletal look and her sclera become black to complete her skeleton look.


Name: Terror gas

Type: Emitter


good at range


great for sneak attacks/stealth if used properly (the gas is not invisible)


Can be blown away

not really an offensive or defensive quirk

Anything made from the gas has only average durability


Terror gas is an emitter type quirk that allows the user to emit a orange-ish green gas from their hands and mouth that the user can con control to either envelope the user’s head and make them experience surreal nightmarish hallucinations that can effect the victim physically due to how real the hallucination feels. Although if the victim ingests or breathes in the gas, it will take some time for the effects to wear off if the cloud enveloping the head is blown away not long after enveloping the victims, injecting the gas has a similar effect and may last even longer. Lastly, the gas can also take physical forms of various nightmarish creatures of either the user’s own design or based off the victim’s own fears but they are only slightly more durable than an average person.


Mother – Dead

Father – Dead

Sister (x 2) – Dead

Brother (x3) – Dead

Love Interest:

Cannon – None

OC – None yet


- does enjoy games

- enjoys a good sangria or sake

- wears reading glasses but doesn’t need them to see

- has a pet hooded cobra

- favorite sweet is a tie between dulce de leche and flan

- often carries a handgun or two, though she also has a variety of bladed weapons

- English voice: (more dark, serious, cold)

Japanese voice:

Luciana belongs to me
art belongs to :icon419pm:

Image size
5700x3500px 11.98 MB
© 2022 - 2025 LordTyranicus
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HraesvelgrOfHelheim's avatar

She has a soft spot for kids?