Hi there, I'm Tyranicus. I'm a writer by nature, writing fanfics of properties I get really into if I can think of a good and fitting premise that fits the world and doesn't really change much while being it's own thing. I'm an aspiring author, a believer in Christ, a SUPER geek, a foodie, a lover of music, a patron of the arts, a gamer, and a furry. I'm also quite chill and just want to share my creativity and love of whatever geeky thing I get into with everyone. That's about it, I generally kind of keep thinks brief/to the point xD.
Anyway, hope you enjoy what I post, I get a lot of commissions when I can afford it of my characters or of scenes from my works as well.
Sorry for being a day late but Happy Birthday, I hope you celebrated with the one's you love.
Thank your Era! 8D