LordTRexYt's avatar


"Never Explain Yourself"
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Official Sheet

Artist // Hobbyist // Film & Animation
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (161)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (5)
Heart: Love is in the air, someone is thinking of you! (4)
Emerald: It's a great honor to be awarded an Emerald badge! (2)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (1)
My Bio

Welcome everyone here on my Deviantart page, you're welcome here on my page.
I will be making sprites, sheets, logo's, arts, and much more here on Deviantart

Note: If you don't like something, watch something else.

Welcome Joining Discord

Favourite Movies
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
Favourite Games
Super Mario 3D World
Favourite Gaming Platform
Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii/WiiU and Nintendo Switch
Other Interests
Playing games, and always be there for anyone.

Profile Comments 161

anonymous's avatar
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BowerFan's avatar

Hey, LordTRex, my friend, I really want to be your online friend on my Nintendo Switch console, so my friend code is, "SW-5717-0285-9599".

BowerFan's avatar

Here's the thumbnail video that I made for you.

LTR and EL Play TLoZ: FS Livestream (Thumbnail)
LordTRexYt's avatar

that looks sweet, thank you :D also one thanks for the happy birthday wishes.

BowerFan's avatar

Well, you're welcome!