Nintendo Kingdoms: PG. 1 - Fruitless TrainingLordRobrainiac on DeviantArt

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Nintendo Kingdoms: PG. 1 - Fruitless Training



Well this came out of nowhere...

Throughout my life, I've made many Nintendo Crossovers. As a kid, I made a comic that was basically Superfriends, except with Nintendo characters.

During middle school I would try and attempt to revisit this concept, but making it more Smash bros themed.

Then in highschool, I made "Game Cops" a comic involving nintendo's seemingly lesser loved characters, whether it be from Nintendo themselves or the fanbase. 

As of recently, I've been in a Nintendo and one day out of sheer boredom, I wanted to revisit this concept again. This time around, we'll be following Vivian (From Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door,) as she trains to become a member of the Smash Brotherhood: Guardians of the Nintendo Kingdoms.

As you can see here... she's having a bit of trouble training.

I'll hopefully be uploading every day or every other day, as I have quite a few pages done. This is the first time I will be making a comic using Illustrator. It's gonna be really rough around the edges, due to my first time doing this, and not to mention my skills in drawing backgrounds aren't up to snuff. But I am hoping that I'll improve through experience.

I hope you all enjoy this fun little project!

Also... "Gee Whiz?" Wha?

I mean... Vivian says it a few times in the game so...


Vivian is  © Nintendo/Intelligent Systems
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518x722px 87.9 KB
© 2020 - 2025 LordRobrainiac
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kingofcomic654's avatar

I saw this on YouTube