Adoptable Auction Chibi + headshot #21 [OPEN 3/3]LordMroku on DeviantArt

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LordMroku's avatar

Adoptable Auction Chibi + headshot #21 [OPEN 3/3]



♦ SB: $40
♦ Min:+$5
♦ AB: $120
♦ AB2: $150
♦AB3: $250
Auction ends 24 hours after the first bid or AB

SB --> File . PNG, unwatermark, fullversion, chibi + headshot separate without bg
AB --> + Commercial Use is completely allowed
AB2--> AB + fullshaded version
AB3--> AB2 + fullshaded  fullbody art


♣ Rules ♣

✦ Please bid on my bid comment and reply to the last bid.
✦ Don't claim the design as yours. (please <3)
✦ Owners can be changed without notifying me. (clothers, color etc.)
✦ You are free to decide the name/gender and details
✦ I accept hold max for 5 days (only if you inform me about it. Please... do it Sweating a little...)
✦ Paypal, KO-FI DA or points only, please! Everything is in USD/PLN/EUR or points
✦ Payment must be done within 72h (!)
✦ If you suddenly unable to pay because of an urgent payment, please inform me
✦ After payment, I'll send the full version of the files as soon as I can. If I cannot do this temporarily, I will inform you immediately.
✦ Just to let you know, I reply fast using my phone, but to send the file, I use my laptop (Please, remember about it <3)
✦ You can resell, trade, gift them. It has to be the same price you bought them or lower (except if you sell it with extra arts)  
✦  No refunds
✦ Please credit me [LordMroku] or link on my DeviantArt if you post my work somewhere

Design and adopt base by LordMroku
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Image size
3300x3300px 6.35 MB
© 2024 - 2025 LordMroku
anonymous's avatar
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Serveris7's avatar

These three are super cool!! I hope they get a home soon <3. My personal favorites are two and three, one is also cool too ^^!