About me...well, in a nutshell: crazy and completely my own person, which can be quite fun
Loves: Doctor Who (as a program), David Tennant, Michael Jackson, dragons, werewolves, Stitch, Disney, Florida, my fish
Dislikes: Spiders and insects in general, brussel sprouts, my brother
Weapon of choice: Sonic screwdriver "Doesn't kill, doesn't wound, doesn't maim. But it is very good at opening doors"
Superpower of choice: Animal transmorphication (if thats how its spelt)
Secrets: Full moon....(I'll leave it there )
Current Residence: Asgard
Favourite genre of music: Rock and soundtracks
Favourite style of art: Realistic colour/graphite pencil drawings
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate
MP3 player of choice: Ipod
Shell of choice: Cowries
Wallpaper of choice: Dragons, wolves, David Tennant, LOKI!!
Skin of choice: Scales or fur
Favourite cartoon character: Stitch
Personal Quote: I shall summon my army of shadow dragons and take this world by force!
nice to meet you
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