Shawn Payne As A Sparring Partnerlorddurion on DeviantArt

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Shawn Payne As A Sparring Partner



Here is another character from Cobra Kai; Shawn Payne.

He has no training, but he is big, strong and ruthless! A brawler with lots of experience, he fights with a gang, but even on his own he was still strong enough to hold his own against Robby Keene, a trained Miyagi-Do Fighter who himself had taken on Martial Art Champions. Shawn took Robby's strikes and kicks but kept on going, Shawn's own advantage is his size and strength, even use it on the ground. 

I'd fight him, but… if he was trained in Cobra Kai, even a bit of it will do, like the basics with the baseball launcher, learning to kick, slither, strike first and hard, sparring with the best students and instructors etc, I think Shawn should spar with Terry Silver, he'd even learn the quick silver method. OH YEAH!! A worthy opponent indeed!… original template 
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