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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

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Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (972)
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My Bio

I write. I draw. The two have a running yin-yang thing going on with each other. I was a biology major in college and damn proud of it.

Current Residence: Maryland, USA, Planet Earth (it's where I keep all my stuff)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: One size fits all
Favourite genre of music: Classic rock, soundtracks, classical
Favourite style of art: Anything realistic, & film noir
Operating System: One that works
MP3 player of choice: iPod
Shell of choice: Ankylosaurus
Skin of choice: Chameleon or octopus. They instantly camoulflage themselves. How is that not cool?
Favourite cartoon character: Wile E. Coyote, The Genie from Aladdin, Homer Simpson
Personal Quote: All governments look good on paper.

Favourite Visual Artist
Wayne D. Barlowe, Chuck Jones, Gregory S. Paul, Bill Watterson
Favourite Movies
Raiders of the Lost Ark, Labyrinth, Rainman, The Godfather, Spirited Away, Aliens, Young Frankenstein
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Mystery Science Theater 3000, Mythbusters, Burn Notice
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Blues Traveler, John Williams, Danny Elfman, Kiss, Nightwish, Weird Al Yankovic
Favourite Books
Catcher in the Rye, Frankenstein, Dandelion Wine, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Bad-Ass: Ultimate Deathmatch, The Prince by Machiavelli
Favourite Games
Dodgeball, Ravenloft, Splinter Cell, Psychonauts, Mass Effect
Favourite Gaming Platform
Super Nintendo, Xbox 360, Computer games
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, paper, scientific references, 40,000 lbs of bananas, people that don't ask questions
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (972)
Confetti: Cheers to you! (1)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (1)
Gold Coin 2023
Hype: You got hyped up! (4)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
I wanted to finish this book and post the review before the New Year. I also wanted to post something just to show that I’m still alive. The last few months have been rough. Not just on me. I needed a new author, and this is the Mrs. Chan’s debut book. She could use some love and recognition in the Inter-web. She bases her novel heavily off Asian myth and society, even though she lives in Scotland (cool). It’s something different for the realms of fantasy, instead of another pseudo-European story. Her city of Tiankawa reminds me of Vietnam or the Philippines with its half-submerged infrastructure. Most of the streets are waterways and canals traveled by boat or swimming. The city’s name means “Heavenly River.” Public transit consists of cable cars and trolleys that hang precariously over the water. Land-lubbers need to get around somehow. Not only is the city half submerged, it’s also half human and half mystical sea-creatures. The titular Fathom-folk. The problem is that the
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I need to confess something with this review. I am writing this a month after I read the book, so there’s a good chance that I’ll forget something. I imagine that after make this post, I’ll stop what I’m doing and shout, “Oh wait! I forgot to mention this!” Yet I feel obliged to do this, because I liked the book and I need to express why, and what it means to the Dune series. Also, someone commented on my last review that I only seem to review bad books, and while they do provide more comedic material, there should be more to life than dwelling in negativity. There’s enough of that in the world. This also means that this will be a shorter review than normal. My apologies. The most important thing to know about this book is that it started out as the last, unfinished Frank Herbert novel. The first Dune novel is the most famous, where Paul Atriedes and his family land on Arrakis, get slaughtered by the Harkonnen family, and Paul gets revenge. That is a
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I feel that I should start this review with the obvious. No, this is not a book filled with pronunciation jokes about Uranus. Second, I wish it was because then it would be enjoyable, even on a sophomoric level. Instead, this is a story about a space station that doesn’t feel like it’s in space (I’ll explain), a drug cartel, and some crazy pseudo-science that wants to explain that aliens from another solar system really hated the aliens that lived in our solar system. Again, I’ll explain. And yes, I will use “Your Anus” jokes. I can’t help it. I need some levity, and this is the Internet, after all. The Haven space-station orbits the planet of Uranus. It’s founder, Reverend Kyle Umber, invites refugees and the down-trodden from Earth in the hope of a better life several million miles away from the sun. The station is financed by billionaire Evan Waxman, who produces a narcotic called Rust. One of the refugees is the main character, Raven Marchesi, who survived
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Llama Farm

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pep58's avatar

thank you very much!

Lord-Triceratops's avatar
mahdi2006art's avatar
Lord-Triceratops's avatar
mahdi2006art's avatar

Thanks for your fav

Lord-Triceratops's avatar

You're welcome. I recognized it from the movie and the book about Skull Island's wildlife/concept art.

mahdi2006art's avatar

Yes, that's right, I mentioned it in the description.

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