Dane RP/Relationship Trackerlord-loser on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lord-loser/art/Dane-RP-Relationship-Tracker-678057714lord-loser

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Dane RP/Relationship Tracker



turned this into a relationship tracker 
:bulletblack: Hate "Go fuck yourself..." 
:bulletpurple: Mistrust "I'm watching you."
:bulletwhite: Indifference "Whatever..."
:bulletblue: Acquaintance "I'd see them again."
:bulletgreen: Friend "I don't completely hate you... I guess." 
:bulletorange: Family "So this is family, huh?"
:bulletpink: Lover "Let's have some fun."
:bulletred: Love "That's never gonna happen." 
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletpink::bulletred: Damien Lo
"I really like the guy... He's kind of clueless sometimes, but he's done a lot for me. Anyone touches him and they're fucking dead. I mean it." 
"I never thought this would happen to me..."
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletgreen::bulletpink::bulletpink: Shu/So-Hui
"My roommate... I think I'd do anything for him. He makes good as fuck food. Plus, we've... got a lot in common." 
"Shu is my closest friend and I don't know what I'd do without him."

:bulletpurple::bulletblue: Anagha Tanushri Kapoor 
"I don't trust her. She's too touchy for my liking, invading my personal space and asking questions, but she's Shu's friend so maybe she's not so bad. I don't know..." 
:bulletblue: Hela
"Hela makes good food and she's a good healer." 
:bulletgreen::bulletgreen: Joshua "Slushy Machine" Kokinos 
"My other roommate. He's crazy and tiny, but he's my friend. Hanging out with him is never boring." 
:bulletblack::bulletblack::bulletpink: Six
"Little shit..."

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890x1615px 1.1 MB
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7thDeath's avatar
I like trash.