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"You always do this, Mom. Y'know, you don't need to gaze into my eyes for us to have a conversation."

"Yeah, well, I just wanna make sure you're paying attention, Fluffy. You could be sleeping under that hair, for all I know."

"Are you implying that your pep talks put ponies to sleep?"

"No, I'm implying that you're a doofus. Now c'mon, Stormy, you have a race to win."


illustrating one of Rainbow's weird mom quirks-she always pushes her son's hair out of his face when she talks to him, especially when lecturing

i feel i may have given the impression that RD is embarrassed/disappointed by her lax, hippie son. That's not really the case, I mean Stormy is a fluffy doof, but he's Rainbow's fluffy doof, and they get along pretty well, all things considered (it helps that Stormy is a total Momma's boy and thinks his mom is super rad)
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kleopatraa15's avatar
Rainbow's pretty and he's cute!