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fun fact: although Pandora and Bruce have been in deep, deep loathing with each other since childhood, they did have a brief fling when they were younger. It crashed and burned horribly, but they did have good days...intermixed with many bad ones...okay so yeah their relationship was like 99% belligerent sexual tension and insults but still
They both consider each other to be their be-all, end-all "evil ex". Pandora thinks of Bruce as a stupid smug reminder of her dumb bad-boy dating phase, and also a short, prickly little bastard. Bruce regards Pan as, in his own words, "completely fuckin' nuts". Truly they were a romance tale of the ages
their mutual friendship with Stormy forces them to be near each other sometimes, and they can usually manage to feign civility for Stormy's sake. But sometimes they do descend into the occasionalscreaming match polite argument. Stormy just wants everypony to get along :<
More Bruce and Pandora
fun fact: although Pandora and Bruce have been in deep, deep loathing with each other since childhood, they did have a brief fling when they were younger. It crashed and burned horribly, but they did have good days...intermixed with many bad ones...okay so yeah their relationship was like 99% belligerent sexual tension and insults but still
They both consider each other to be their be-all, end-all "evil ex". Pandora thinks of Bruce as a stupid smug reminder of her dumb bad-boy dating phase, and also a short, prickly little bastard. Bruce regards Pan as, in his own words, "completely fuckin' nuts". Truly they were a romance tale of the ages
their mutual friendship with Stormy forces them to be near each other sometimes, and they can usually manage to feign civility for Stormy's sake. But sometimes they do descend into the occasional
More Bruce and Pandora
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Then all of sudden Stormy bursts through the door singing "Why can't we be friends?"