AbyssLopoddity on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lopoddity/art/Abyss-635298930Lopoddity

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“If you all could die right now, that’d be just peachy.”

lots of requests to see more of Morning Glory/Midnight Abyss (my totes edgy goth wannabe Starlight Glimmer/Sunset Shimmer Nextgen), so I fiddled with her design and color palette more

still figuring out her character and where to put her in the story, but geez do ya’ll ship her with almost every single one of my cast

ya’ll suggested pairing her with Cupcake, Moondancer, Rosemary, Chakra Blossom, Lucy (Lucifer), Truffles, Magnolia May, Skyla, PB Sandwich, Jam Sandwich, Pandora, Bruce, Artemis....like geez

as though inflicting this little ball of sweet smiling sunshine and rainbows on anyone wouldn’t be a form of cruel and unusual punishment

Midnight's first appearance and info:
Trash Babies by Lopoddity

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1890x2454px 967.1 KB
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Md6odnodera's avatar

Que linda es, se parece a  merlina