Road to Hana.longestdistance on DeviantArt

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Road to Hana.

Location  Maui, Hawaii


- Memory -
Two years ago my sisters and I went to Maui and did the famous scenic drive called the Road to Hana. It is a 60-mile stretch but takes 4+ hours to drive because of the narrow, one-way roads and rugged hairpin curves. Hana itself is a small town at the end of the scenic route, on the easternmost point of Maui. There are numerous attractions along the drive worth stopping for- pictured above is the Keopuka Rock Overlook located within the Garden of Eden. An interesting fact about this rock is that it appeared in the opening sequence of the original Jurassic Park movie:…

This trek took all day and it was by far the most memorable day of our trip. The drive made me nervous, but the views were worth it! At the end of the drive, you're supposed to turn around and drive back the same way you came, but we kept driving around the entire island. The other side is mostly uninhabited and not part of the scenic route; the roads are even more rugged. The views back there were incredible but I would not want to get stuck on that side of the island. It felt like we were on the edge of the world. We also saw an abandoned white car that had fallen off a cliff.

Here's an interesting website that lists all of the attractions along the route:

- Technical details -

Haven't done many paintings in a while so I really took my time with this one; it took about 3 or 4 hours. I used scatter brushes for some of the foliage.
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900x795px 1.48 MB
© 2020 - 2025 longestdistance
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Marie-Jackson-art's avatar

I love the color scheme!