A hobbyist artist who is now an aspiring writer.
-Dark Fantasy. Best genre in existence yet not very popular; or at the very least it doesn't have bucketloads of content in it as many other genres do. Dark Souls, I would say, was what inspired me to host my dumpsterfire of an attempted series to take place in a fantasy setting. The Netflix Castlevania show helped me realize just how much I liked such settings. I've always preferred darker story-telling, but it always feels like the story-tellers hold back. I really want to tell a story in such a setting.
-Science Fiction. There are just so many directions to go in with this genre setting. Especially since it can be in either a modern or futuristic setting and encompass everything from zombies to space travel. Personally I would like to explore the robotics aspect of it.
What to expect here on DA:
-Lots of drawings representing ideas of characters or creatures that I want to see visualized. Future iterations of the same character or creature may feature drastic changes from previous ones. This will be due to both an increase in skill and just improvements in general. Drawings, even not related to any stories, will all be within the fantasy or science-fiction genres. They're just the most linteresting and investment-worthy genres. Sorry if you disagree, but it's true XD
-I half-assed a story that consists of a finished novel and an unfinished sequel. After realizing it was a dumpsterfire when I made the decision to become a published author one day, I decided to abandon the project, hone my skills as a writer, and practice in my own time.
-Newer stories or short stories MAY appear on this site, but not all of them will. Writing will not be anywhere near as common on here as it used to be. And if what I'm writing is intended to be published one day, I can't exactly have it out there for free viewing. That said, a lot of my art will still relate to these stories and I will likely share bits of lore in them.
-Fan art. It's good for learning how to draw. It forces you to draw in slightly different styles and forces you to try things in order to represent it correctly. All of which can be used in future more original works.
Thank you for your kind words.
It was sort of unexpected for me as well. I had just gotten back into drawing after nearly a year away from it, and the two I had done prior to this had not come out satisfactory, even for me. I'd been playing breath of the wild and was originally going to draw Link from that, but for some reason I decided to go back. I think it's because Twilight Princess Link is my favorite design of the character. Originally I had sketched out Ganondorf to be the one to duel Link in the background, but I didn't like how he was looking and I eventually decided to replace him with Stallord. Overall, I am quite pleased with how it came out.