The Inconsequential Pick Uplolvcrtape on DeviantArt

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lolvcrtape's avatar

The Inconsequential Pick Up



If you haven't seen :iconmarkthesfmabuser:'s and my Saxxy entry yet, GO WATCH IT HERE:
For this "advertising poster" and thumbnail picture, I wanted to go with the same colour themes as the full video has. In addition, I tried to emulate early- and mid-20th century art style of movie and theater posters a bit. Buthey, I'm no professional at that, so you tell me what you think of this. :v

Also, please read this:
I recently moved out from home to live closer to my school and just get away from my family a bit. But it has turned out that the Internet connection I ordered isn't working yet. Apparently there's something wrong at the ISP's end, so they need to look into it and fix the issue.

Therefore I don't have an Internet connection at all to my desktop pc, which I use for gaming and sfm works, so unfortunately that means I have to take a small break from uploading things. I got this poster on dA and wrote this on my new laptop using a shared wlan from my phone, and that is not very reliable or fast.
Image size
1920x1080px 999.83 KB
© 2014 - 2025 lolvcrtape
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CannibalisticToast's avatar
I'm new to deviant art and I love it here,  I love your work as well ^_^,  I just wish I could do stuff like that :/ I'm still learning about lighting and stuff.