I'm LoloSanGoku
I live in French but I speack a little English. Link Skyrock: http://ask-gemini.skyrock.com/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lolosangoku-Gemini/345982055478991
Tumblr: http://lolosangoku.tumblr.com/
Website: http://lolosangoku64.wix.com/lolosangoku Saint Seiya My pairing Yaoi prefer:iconkanonplz: :heart: :iconsagaplz:
:iconaiorosplz: :heart: :iconsagaplz:
:icondeuterosplz: :heart: :iconasprosplz:
:iconhypnosplz: :heart: :iconthanatosplz: Final Fantasy VII My pairing Yaoi prefer:iconzackfairplz: :heart: :iconcloudplz: Final Fantasy Dissidia My pairing Yaoi prefer:iconsquallplz::heart: :iconcloudplz:
Hello everyone!
I wish you the welcome on my Deviant Art!
My cartoon are based on the manga which I make of the characters already carried out by of Mangaka except for the cartoon which will be in the category "Draw"Good visit with you all!
And with very soon!I draw with::iconpainttoolsai: :iconcs4: :icontoonboom: with one graphic tablet