Where Dreams Reside (Prints Available)LolliponyArt on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lolliponyart/art/Where-Dreams-Reside-Prints-Available-740908710LolliponyArt

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Where Dreams Reside (Prints Available)



    A realm to call your own. No rules, no distraction. Just you and the serenity of silence. 

Was shooting for 1 hour on this but it seems I was far too optimistic... Good to push myself though! On another note, I'm officially graduated from graphic design! Hurrah! I'm taking a month off from job searching and the likes just to decompress and do some much anticipated arts. Quite a lot of stuff gets backlogged when you don't draw nearly as frequently as you'd like over a legnthy time span. Now, its time to make good use of my free time with lots of arts! Been working away on better understanding pony anatomy, facial expressions, and overall, just becoming more fluent with the digital medium. Not sure where traditional fell out of favour, but I may do one every once in a blue moon. So there's a little run down of what's happening. Tons of arts planned, (as well as a collab in the works!) just pray I don't burn out in massive explosion and get a 3 month art block XD

I will have some 11x17 prints available! Details here: fav.me/dcbcsk0  If you're interested, shoot me a note (:

Fixed wing, eye, horn shadow. 

You can find the original here:

Time Taken: 2 hours [+1 hour edit]
Programs: Photoshop CC 2017
Tablet: Wacom Bamboo CTH-670
Image size
1400x1000px 277.41 KB
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