[SS] Splatfest! SS v/s OtHLolithan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lolithan/art/SS-Splatfest-SS-v-s-OtH-771670729Lolithan

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[SS] Splatfest! SS v/s OtH



:bulletpink:Team Squid Sisters :bulletgreen:
  • Stage: Kelp Dome
  • Weapon: Rocking Bucket
  • Gear: Fluro Visor, Fluro High Tops
Also Kila has a Splattershor Jr. (?) 

So these two aren't experienced in turf wars, like, at all. But Dango's having a great time! She's pretty clumsy, but the point is having fun......... right? Kila isn't sure if that's the goal. 

Again, drawing this bubblegum baby boy that belongs to Chincomingo , the biggest sweetheart!!! 

I had tons of fun here, I just love using the binary pen for pixel art, so why not for a full illustration? It's been a while I made something like this. My hands and kinda hurt, but I had so much fun :heart:
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Thank you for participating in the first Splatfest! 600 Pearls have been awarded to you! Stay tuned for the possible extra bonuses depending on your selection of gear and weapons!