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Reveling in the shadows
Of chased away thrills
My startled kin
My long expelled resolve
So viciously uprooted
I embark for their rush
Far from the beckoning
The growing quake of vendetta
Smoke trails climb
Yet I defer from their cries
The daily shrillness
That floods my nervous frame
Sporadic fire
Fuels my desperate flying
Along treacherous bends
That scatter these feral thoughts
I fly with unrest
Tumbling madly
Over my own fearful footsteps
As a boyish fool
Ahead the waning plumes
Fully cleansed
Of another heart’s dismay
Of chased away thrills
My startled kin
My long expelled resolve
So viciously uprooted
I embark for their rush
Far from the beckoning
The growing quake of vendetta
Smoke trails climb
Yet I defer from their cries
The daily shrillness
That floods my nervous frame
Sporadic fire
Fuels my desperate flying
Along treacherous bends
That scatter these feral thoughts
I fly with unrest
Tumbling madly
Over my own fearful footsteps
As a boyish fool
Ahead the waning plumes
Fully cleansed
Of another heart’s dismay
The Protector (Clara Copperfield x Reader)
Now, back in the day, a woman would seek to marry an older gentleman. An older gentleman with a successful business to keep the money afloat. You were well aware of this.So when Clara Copperfield, a widow in her late twenties, came to you, in your early twenties, you were flabbergasted to say the least."Why me?" You blushed. You admitted that Clara was an attractive woman you have ever seen in the streets of London and while you have always wanted her to choose you, you knew she'd pick someone older. Someone richer."Because... It's not just that I need someone to provide for me and my Davey, but because Davey needs a father and I need so...
Campus world 2.1
Casey gripped desperately to the the small ball in his hands. He was suspended 6 feet off the ground desperately holding onto a billiard ball sized metal ball attached to a metal cord. The cord looped over a pulley and attached at the back of his waistband; a tennis ball of all things acting as the means to stop the knot from slipping. He had done this equation last night in his homework. How much tension exists on the cord when a man holds himself level in a basket. Holding himself perfectly level took some concentrationCasey could not believe he was in this position. How could he not have seen it. He had been learning this exact lesson ...
Dreaming of Places We Have Never Been
In aquariums do fish dream of oceans?
Do birds dream of far away skies in their cages?
We dream of lands our ancestors traveled that our eyes have never seen - those explorers, homesteaders, immigrants and nomads - all voyagers and seekers, all mapping the story of humanity.
There are answers that lie between shared experiences and memories passed down from generation to generation, in stories imprinted from birth that are eloquently written indelibly in our code that stay with us as we evolve.
We are creatures made of stories.
We are all animals with instincts to travel: to walk, to swim, to fly. Though we can be caught, kept and constricted, still, we are wild inside - rebellious voyagers and seekers, dreaming of places strange and familiar that we have never been.
Whether we have gills or feathers or hair on our flesh, in the end, it doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t matter where we came from or who we are. We
My folks had a disagreement and they were sending very bad vibes my way. As a result i had a mild anxiety attack and found it very difficult to write. That's all..
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