
Another Heart's Dismay

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Loftydreams101's avatar

Literature Text

Reveling in the shadows
Of chased away thrills
My startled kin
My long expelled resolve  

So viciously uprooted
I embark for their rush  
Far from the beckoning
The growing quake of vendetta

Smoke trails climb
Yet I defer from their cries
The daily shrillness
That floods my nervous frame

Sporadic fire
Fuels my desperate flying
Along treacherous bends
That scatter these feral thoughts

I fly with unrest
Tumbling madly
Over my own fearful footsteps

As a boyish fool
Ahead the waning plumes
Fully cleansed
Of another heart’s dismay
My folks had a disagreement and they were sending very bad vibes my way.  As a result i had a mild anxiety attack and found it very difficult to write.  That's all..
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