This Journal Will Bring You Happiness by OliverTauras, journal
This Journal Will Bring You Happiness
Hello all! Oliver here.Do you like Yaoi?! Keep reading! If you don't, I suggest you check it out if you haven't seen it.Do you like Dan Vs?! Keep on reading good sir or madam! If you have never heard of it, god forbid, I suggest you check it out, it is AMAZING.And here we are, at the point of happiness, where I show unto you the secret of the epitome of Dan Vs Yaoi greatness. is absolutely, THE best Dan Vs comic I've read, let alone it being a Jerkshipping comic. The art is impeccable and the story just get better with each page.If you don't want me to poke myself in the eyes with a marshmallow, you'll ...
Current Residence: Many, many galaxies away... Favourite genre of music: Punk Shell of choice: conch. Skin of choice: mine. Favourite cartoon character: Too many to choose from.
I truly am very sorry I've been gone so long. I've just been preoccupied and hanging around tumblr primarily, which is where I've uploaded a great chunk of my art. I'm going to try to catch up on submitting the pictures I've done since I last visited, including new Beatdown pages. I finally logged in to find I have 2000+ messages (most were submittions/polls/journals from people I follow XD) and tried to get through most of the comments. I am REALLY SORRY I haven't been updating at all. New Beatdown PAGES (plural) soon, and plenty of jerkshipping goodies and more Portal art. AGAIN I AM REALLY SORRY. But thank you to all of you who have stu...
Taking doodle-requests!
But only on tumblr, just because its easier and I don't log on to deviantArt as much as I used to. If you want, you can message me on either of my tumblr blogs: (personal)(art will be uploaded on my art blog, but I always reblog onto my personal) try to stay away from drawing real people, because I'm just not cool like that. XDDDAlso, try to ask for something I'm familiar with. Cuz its just easier that way.Later peeps.:heart: --- Beatdown tumb1r blog:
I would appreciate the follows and reblogging to give it expand ...
We're back. I can't believe how popular Dan Vs. and Jerkshipping have become! Its amazing!! Sorry to keep you guys waiting for so looooooong, but yes, NEW PAGES!!!(still going to do Portal art, but now also going back to doing Dan Vs art as well.)--- Beatdown tumb1r blog:
I would appreciate the follows and reblogging to give it expand its fanbase to those outside of dA, but I'm not going to cry if it doesn't. :)Second home:
:iconDan-Imposter-Slash: <------Yes. Go forth. Nao. Facebook: (I don't get on very often, but its nice to have friends :) )Tumblr (risque business on h...
I love your art so much!!!! Even your older works are amazing! (And I really like that Dan vs. comic, its everything I've ever imagined being brought to life)