Favourite Movies
V for Vendetta, Marvel Movies, Eagle Eye.
Favourite TV Shows
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Black Rock Shooter, Code Geass, Wakfu, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Invader Zim.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Goldfish, Mark Petrie, Les Friction, Serj Tankian, Maroon 5, Two Steps From Hell, Proofsound, Epic music in general.
Favourite Books
Yotsuba&!, Azumanga Daioh, Warriors series, Hollow Fields, Comic books.
Favourite Games
Nintendo/Valve/Bethesda anything. Kingdom Hearts, Zone of the Enders, Minecraft, Metal Slug, Jak and Daxter, Baulders Gate, Shadow of the Colossus, Mass Effect, Dynasty Warriors, (im a gamer, play too many, ill end list now)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop CS5, Illustrator, Manga Studio EX 4, BrawlBox, Microsoft Office, Windows 7.
Other Interests
Video games, Anime, Computers, Entrepreneurship, Management, Photography, Design.