Wendy and Kevin: 60 YearsLmayuku on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/lmayuku/art/Wendy-and-Kevin-60-Years-945654546Lmayuku

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Wendy and Kevin: 60 Years


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Sixty years ago today, Wendy and Kevin was first released in cinemas.

This is probably in my top three favourite Toei/FUNimation movies list (the others being The Rose Red Queen and The Hunchback of Notre Dame). Everything about it is near perfect to me, the characters, the story and the background art. Oh my God, the background art in this movie is amazing. It's also one of those FUNimation movies where the protagonists don't fall in love at first sight. In fact, both consider each other to be quite disinteresting when they meet. It's obvious they're gonna make out because the JaJang Noodles scene along with their Digimon partners is plastered all over the DVD and VHS cases but I like how this movie paced their relationship somewhat, even if they are the Chosen Children.
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Date Taken
Mar 11, 2022, 3:46:18 PM
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