Live-The-Creed's avatar


Years Ago
11 Members11 Watchers

Haneen Hasan by Ratonhntake, literature

Entry sheet for Live-The-Creed by Catman292, literature

Entry for Live-The-Creed by pereson, literature

Adrienne Chastan by QuillandPaper, literature

Comments 25

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GameGal101's avatar
RebelFrost's avatar
Let's bring it back to life

GameGal101's avatar
we gotta man WE GOTTA //effectively does nothing
GameGal101's avatar
IS THIS GROUP DEAD :iconjanewtfplz:
GameGal101's avatar
can the rping character be a templar as well, or are only assassin ocs accepted?
CheshireWolfPrussia's avatar
I'm so sorry for the short reply. Anyways, characters may be templars or assassins. :D

Read this for character information: [link]
CheshireWolfPrussia's avatar
There's not that much activity...

I can start advertising for the group if that helps. :iconiloveitplz: