Do the creep!LittleWerewolfX3 on DeviantArt

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LittleWerewolfX3's avatar

Do the creep!



I just wanted to draw a creepy Legolas, because I saw video of this scene with the song Hellfire from the Hunchback of Notre Dame and it fitted so well! He had the perfect Disney villain expression!

(skip to 5:22 for the moment)
Image size
1564x2148px 1.8 MB
Date Taken
Jan 18, 2014, 1:40:56 PM
© 2014 - 2025 LittleWerewolfX3
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Sticthergirl's avatar
and here we can see, an angry, jealous elf prince glaring at dwarf who is chatting a she elf. His primal instil kicks him as he waits for an opportunity to strike and attack the dwarf..