Cappa Loves RuLittleKidsin on DeviantArt

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Cappa Loves Ru


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I'm like, 10 years late to the party, but here's genderbent Pucca and Garu!

I finished this over the stream last night!
I designed their swapped versions quite a while ago, but I wanted to flesh out a short comic before sharing their designs.

You can clearly see that hasn't happened, so here they are x-D

I figured instead of coming up with a new comic idea for them, I would comicify an episode from the original series! Preferably one that showcases all the main and side main characters in the one episode. Someone (sorry, I forget who!) actually suggested that I make a comic version of an episode, and I thought that was such a fun idea, so I mixed the two ideas into one ehehe

I'll go through the episodes over next weekend, pick my favourites, then do a poll for Patrons to decide which episode to do! What do you think of that? 8-)

In the meantime, I hope you like my interpretation of genderbent Pucca and Garu!
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WildbugWarrior1545's avatar

What would you name a genderbent version of Tobe?