The ExplanationThis is my Harley and Batman themed only Deviant art. Everything other than this little paragraph will be in character as Harley. If you'd like to see anything else of mine please go to
SickEroticIllusions that's where everything else will be at. I use "Little" in all of my screen names because I'm well..exactly 5 feet tall. Now, lets get to what everyone came here for, some Harley Q. action!
All about little Harley Q.There's few things more tough than being the worlds most famous hench wench ya know? So during my off time when I'm not cleaning the hide out for Mistah J, I'm with my boys Bud and Lou. Howeva, there's rarely ever "off time" when you're on Gotham's most wanted list. You escape from a high security mental asylum, kill a few guards and rob a few banks and suddenly
everyone acts as if you're the worst person ever. Geeze, ya'd think their parents woulda taught them better manners! It's rude to chase a girl through the streets!
But we've been in hiding for a while now, you'd think Gordon and the big bad Bat would have figured out by now that the cities most infamous clowns were hiding in an abandoned theme park! But shhh, don't tell anyone or I'll be thrown back in Arkham and no one would
ever hear from me again!
Lots of Laughs,
Harley Q.
Current Residence: Gotham
Favourite genre of music: Jazz, Mistah J prefers Jazz says it "classes up the joint"
Favourite cartoon character: Oh I wonder...
Personal Quote: He made a monster, and it got lonely.