LittleHarleyQ's avatar


Hench Wench
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Nov 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (42)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
My Bio
The Explanation

This is my Harley and Batman themed only Deviant art. Everything other than this little paragraph will be in character as Harley. If you'd like to see anything else of mine please go to SickEroticIllusions that's where everything else will be at. I use "Little" in all of my screen names because I'm well..exactly 5 feet tall. Now, lets get to what everyone came here for, some Harley Q. action!

All about little Harley Q.

There's few things more tough than being the worlds most famous hench wench ya know? So during my off time when I'm not cleaning the hide out for Mistah J, I'm with my boys Bud and Lou. Howeva, there's rarely ever "off time" when you're on Gotham's most wanted list. You escape from a high security mental asylum, kill a few guards and rob a few banks and suddenly everyone acts as if you're the worst person ever. Geeze, ya'd think their parents woulda taught them better manners! It's rude to chase a girl through the streets!

But we've been in hiding for a while now, you'd think Gordon and the big bad Bat would have figured out by now that the cities most infamous clowns were hiding in an abandoned theme park! But shhh, don't tell anyone or I'll be thrown back in Arkham and no one would ever hear from me again!

Lots of Laughs,
Harley Q.

Current Residence: Gotham
Favourite genre of music: Jazz, Mistah J prefers Jazz says it "classes up the joint"
Favourite cartoon character: Oh I wonder...
Personal Quote: He made a monster, and it got lonely.

Tools of the Trade
Mallet, Bang gun,
Other Interests
Well...Mistah J of course
Down the rabbit hole:
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Riddle Me This!

0 min read
Guess who I spent two weeks with!? That's right..wait what? No not Calendar Man! Why would you suggest something so ridiculous?! Who actually spends time with him? It was the Riddler, pay attention to the context clues people!Yup, that's right! The Riddler got out for good behavior...for two weeks before he was too tempted to tease the big ol' Bat. We had TONS of fun while he was home. Mainly teasing the hell out of Batgirl, it was her birthday so we spent quite a bit of time messing around and poking fun! Guess it helps that i run faster than him when Batgirl gets angry and wants to haul us back to Arkham!In other good news, I'll be tak...
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Happy belated birthday to me! To who?! To me!! :cake: HEY! It was my birthday the other day, September 11th to be exact! And you didn't get me anything Die-ary! You didn't even wish me happy birthday! That's very rude of you!On the plus side, Puddin' was home ALL day...though he didn't seem to happy about it. Oh well!Now, on to more important things. What did all of you NOT get me for my belated birthday!?Lots of laughs, Harley Q
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Profile Comments 299

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pamlaisly232's avatar
pamlaisly232's avatar
pamlaisly232's avatar
Alan-G-Brandon's avatar

Happy Birthday, Harley!
(Kind of feel sorry for Clayface)
pamlaisly232's avatar
happy b-day Harl!Have your cake and eat it too 
pamlaisly232's avatar
happy b-day Harl!Have your cake and eat it too 
HarleyTheSirenxoxo's avatar
Thanks so much for da' faves on my Infinite Crisis Pajama Party Harley Quinn cosplay set, LittleHarleyQ Baybee! Heart Pixels: F2U Harley Quinn Icon by PastelPlaytime 

Harley Quinn: Infinite Crisis Pajama Party by HarleyTheSirenxoxo  Harley Quinn: Waitin' On Puddin' by HarleyTheSirenxoxo Harley Quinn: Beauty and Brains by HarleyTheSirenxoxo 
Harley Quinn: Dontcha' Wanna Rev Up Your Harley? by HarleyTheSirenxoxo