Name: John
THINGS I LIKE: my friends; my family; everyone who's supported me on DA; 80s and 90s nostalgia entertainment; cute jumping spiders; Halloween; stylish hooded jackets; many types of music; people who can agree to disagree.
THINGS I HATE: Christmas; most top 40 music; censorship; the video game industry as of today; the 2010's; not having transportation; living in the countryside; liars; the Kardashians; people who steal from me; my own birthdays; negative male stereotypes (meaning, I don't care about using women as sex objects); 90% of modern video games; a large percentage of the human race; people who don't mind their own business; artistic elitists; musical snobs; nonconstructive criticism; being too mentally fatigued to draw.
my name is john. I've been drawing and playing video games since I was a kid. I have autism, which should tell you a little about me. just like some of you, I tend to get a little emotional and neurotic. a lot of things can in fact be overwhelming for me.
i don't really believe in first impressions because most of the people i meet start off one way and turn out differently once you really get to know them. the majority of the people i encounter are liars and backstabbers, while others seem strange at first glance but turn out to be decent.
i also have a lot of shallow, unrealistic dreams that i continue to chase after. (if you've got any of your own, don't stop chasing them. you have my support.) my dreams include: making music, designing video games and meeting as many celebrities as i can.
i need to also add that i like to push the envelope at times and shock and titillate viewers with my artwork - as do many filmmakers, authors, musicians and video game designers.
if you have any sense, you will notice that A) here in AMERICA we have the commonly overlooked FIRST AMENDMENT and B) even i have my own standards when it comes to the artwork i create, so i'm just human like any other artist. my goal is not to offend you, but really just to raise a few eyebrows and make a few jaws drop.
I'm only here to shock, not offend anyone.
a piece of paper and a pen alone never harmed anyone.
I just want to let out my inner turmoil after having such horrible luck with women and being denied my dreams of fame. Now, in the fine words of "Click, Click, Boom" by Saliva, "Just sit back and let me have your head for a minute." I have a personality that has yet to be expressed properly to the whole world.
Things I try to do on a daily basis (but usually fail at):
drink plenty of water
work on art
study words and definitions
manage anger/think of the consequences
study programming
Favorite Fonts:
-Amphion Bold
-Aragon (digital)
-Architext Ultra-Light
-Blue Highway (casual)
-Century Gothic
-Certified (casual)
-Checkbook (digital)
-ChiTown Regular (casual)
-Choujun Normal (digital)
-City Of (casual)
-Cranberry Gin Regular
-D3 PipisimW (digital)
-Emancipation Light (modern - the NEW medieval IMO)
-Existence Unicase Light (casual)
-Freak Turbulence BRK
-Gulim (similar to Arial)
-Neuropol (digital)
-OCRA Extended (digital)
-TW Cen MT
Favourite genre of music: punk, techno, alternative
Favourite cartoon character: bart simpson
Personal Quote: I was born during a decade of excess... I more than likely added to it.
Stamps by me:
Stamps by others:
Mature Content Mature Content Mature Content
I'll be sure to sort my stamp collection in these categories later...
Video Games:
General Interests:
Hey have you seen the gangland episode capitol killers