Little-Big-World's avatar


Years Ago
339 Members263 Watchers

Comments 104

anonymous's avatar
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RYURED's avatar
thank you for accepting me in the group
LunaXDX3's avatar
Thanks for the invitation! ammm.... Wath is done in a group? :'D

PD: sorry for my bad english o 3 o /
Gummi-bear-Rose's avatar
You're welcome . In a group you submit your art to gallery. It shares it around.
Keo56's avatar
Thank you for the invite!Happy Star icon 
Do I just submit my art to the appropriate folders?
Gummi-bear-Rose's avatar
You're welcome, yes your art may go to many folders just pick which one it matches the best.
Pinkyxsaki's avatar
T-thank you for invitation.
What is this group about? OCs?
Gummi-bear-Rose's avatar
You're welcome. 
Its mostly about just sharing your art with the community
regardless if it Original piece or fan art.