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Yay...another gemsona...I need to find a life.
But hey! This different. Why? Because it's a cross over....with Star vs the forces of evil. Why? Because I felt like it.
I'm not too sure about her shades. I may change them later.
Name: Dragons breath fire opal
Nick names:
Race: Gem
Gemstone: Dragons breath fire opal
Gem Location:
Gender: Genderless
Gender Pronouns: He/him
Occupation: Body guard, A lady-in-waiting
Homeworld: High
Mewni: Semi-high
Weapon: Poleaxe, Magical fog that creates ''hallucinations''.
More specifically, her power is Mirage inducement. The user can generate illusions which last, and are entirely real, as long as the targets do not know that they are illusions. One with this ability could cause any type of illusion they desire, but the second that someone calls out “It’s not real!”, shakes subjects out of their deluded state or the subjects see the illusionist working his power, then the illusions will wear off, entirely or until the user can go unnoticed to use his ability again'' Quoted fom:…
Weaknesses: As said before, if the target realizes they are under mirage, her power is useless, can do as much damage as a real person, can be undone by Air or Light manipulation.
Theme: Middle finger by Bohnes…
Abilities: Standard gem abilities, enhanced durability (Hard to poof)
But hey! This different. Why? Because it's a cross over....with Star vs the forces of evil. Why? Because I felt like it.
I'm not too sure about her shades. I may change them later.
Name: Dragons breath fire opal
Nick names:
Race: Gem
Gemstone: Dragons breath fire opal
Gem Location:
Gender: Genderless
Gender Pronouns: He/him
Occupation: Body guard, A lady-in-waiting
Homeworld: High
Mewni: Semi-high
Weapon: Poleaxe, Magical fog that creates ''hallucinations''.
More specifically, her power is Mirage inducement. The user can generate illusions which last, and are entirely real, as long as the targets do not know that they are illusions. One with this ability could cause any type of illusion they desire, but the second that someone calls out “It’s not real!”, shakes subjects out of their deluded state or the subjects see the illusionist working his power, then the illusions will wear off, entirely or until the user can go unnoticed to use his ability again'' Quoted fom:…
Weaknesses: As said before, if the target realizes they are under mirage, her power is useless, can do as much damage as a real person, can be undone by Air or Light manipulation.
Theme: Middle finger by Bohnes…
Abilities: Standard gem abilities, enhanced durability (Hard to poof)
Image size
2480x3508px 3.7 MB
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