Lisas-Art-Endeavors's avatar


Getting Motivated
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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (29)
My Bio

Graduate of Art Instruction School in 2005

Current Residence: Omaha, NE

I can't believe I have been away from DA for such a long what have I been up to? Well.. I have a daughter who is 2 and a new addition to the family a little boy who is 6 months, so I definitely have not been idle. Motherhood has been so rewarding and fun, I would not have it any other way.I can't wait to start checking out all my favorite artists and what they have been up to.I'm back and feeling the itch to start creating again. With two Cel commissions needing to get done, and a lot of things I have been wanting to make, I'm ready to get my art on!
anonymous's avatar
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It's that time of year again, I know my little daughter is just loving Christmas time, especially the lights.  I just love this time of year and I love sharing it with people I love. Sorry to all that I have not been around much or able to post often. Life is getting in the way of my art, but I have to be a mother first and artist second, It's just what life demands at the moment. To everyone that I'm doing commissions for at the moment, Thank you so much for being so patient.
anonymous's avatar
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Fall Fun!

0 min read
So as most of you probably noticed I haven't been posting much work or available on DA as much as I would like. Mostly because I have been preparing for motherhood, that's right my husband and I are expecting our first baby!! I am going to have a craft table this Nov. 19-20th at the St Matthew School here in Bellevue NE. So if you're a in the area stop by and check out some crafts from local artists, I'm very much looking forward to it!
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Profile Comments 37

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Sombraluz-Images's avatar
Thanks so much for the watch and llama! :D
MichelleMckinnon's avatar
hey i noticed you do alot of different polymer clay things, i myself am thinking of starting to make some jewellery out of polymer clay and my project is to try and get up enough stock over 2 years in order to sell it at glasgow gay pride when it comes back around, but i would very much like some recommendations on which polymer clay to use and what glaze to use with it i would very much love your input thanks for reading hope to hear from you x :)
Lisas-Art-Endeavors's avatar
Hi! sorry I have been out of the loop for so long, didn't mean to leave you hanging.
I personal like to use Premo Sculpty soft for most of my projects, I find that the color stays true and it holds up very well. ( I have some charms from 4 years ago that I still wear) for glaze you can use the sculpty glaze, or you can use a Varathane (the one that is water-based) which is what I like to use. Hope that helps.
DeliciousTrickery's avatar
Thank-you for the fave! :aww: :heart:
moofestgirl's avatar
Hello!~ Your art has been featured in Yay for Polymer Clay 8!~ Please check it out and fave! ^^ [link]
PenguinsPlunder's avatar
great gallery, love your work
Happy belated birthday to you, too!