Sabrina Online, with friends, sex, marriage, and family. Kevin and Kell, with friends, sex, marriage, and family. And so on, I presume.
I’ll be in my 30s in no time. I’m still a VIRGIN who doesn’t have his own place or can start a family. Given my autism, ADD, and oxygen deprivation, I’ll probably be put in a mental institution or apartment for disabled people instead of being allowed to make my own decisions.
I’m almost 26, god fucking damn it. I can’t drive, I’m too scared to even talk to women, and most women aren’t even attractive to me because my brain has suffered furry rot. I am NOT seeking therapy for this shit, and honestly, I’ll probably just run away from home and live in an abandoned cabin in the woods or something. Or, because I’m Catholic, I could just become a priest and suffer a single life. I don’t fucking know.
A lot of people say, “I wish I had never been born.” Well, no, not for me. For me, I wish I had never even been conceived. Or I wish my parents had just let