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"As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable." ~The Wizard of Oz
I don't do a lot of art for art's sake...but I was feeling a little emo I guess a few days ago and imagined a sorta 'unbreakable heart' made of metal. Then I drew it. lol. If i'd colored it digitally I could probably make it look more metallic, but I rather like the pen look, so I decided to upload it. I'm not so sure it's really deviation quality so I will probably move it so scraps later.
I'm sure can find several errors in my heart anatomy x)
I don't do a lot of art for art's sake...but I was feeling a little emo I guess a few days ago and imagined a sorta 'unbreakable heart' made of metal. Then I drew it. lol. If i'd colored it digitally I could probably make it look more metallic, but I rather like the pen look, so I decided to upload it. I'm not so sure it's really deviation quality so I will probably move it so scraps later.
I'm sure can find several errors in my heart anatomy x)
Image size
631x631px 169.83 KB
© 2009 - 2025 liongoalkeeper
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