K.K  (2021 redesign)LioLumoon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/liolumoon/art/K-K-2021-redesign-876840426LioLumoon

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K.K (2021 redesign)



So here is his redesign!!!! I made his nose more not as pale ^^ and made his "mane" more normal colors

Name: K.K

Nickname(s): *Open *
Sex: Male (Born Female but at a young age became male)
Age: Anza's age 
Breed: Lion
Sexual Preference- lesbian (Technically its lesbian because even though he is a "Male" its because he was born female)
Residence: Kiara's Pride
Rank: Messenger

~ Relations ~
Parents: *Open*
Siblings: none
Other Relatives: none
Mate: Anza
Cubs: None
Crush(s): none
Crushers(s): *Open*
Friends: *Open"
Enemies: None

~ Personality ~
K.K is a nice, excited, and rambunctious, He likes taking risks, he prefers to be with the pride, and around his buddies.

~ Back Story ~
K.K was born in the same month as Anza. He was born a Female but by the time he was a young cub he decided to become male, he asked for tufts of mane hair from Kion, Kovu and the other male cubs in the pride. K.K. took all the tufts or hair to Makini (Lion Guard) and had her weave it into a small hair tuft like the other male cubs, as he grew older he had Makini add more hair to the wig until he was an adult, he had a full "Mane" and was being a messenger for Kiara and Kovu.

-He is part of lilghostie2 's Kiara and Kovu AU- ^^

Base is by The-Little-Ragdoll 

(old version  K.K -DOING REDESIGN- by KiaraXKovu27 )
Image size
703x817px 510.33 KB
© 2021 - 2025 LioLumoon
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QueenMadyson20's avatar
Is that Kovu and Kiara’s son